The Fort Dodge Area Symphony relies on the generosity of individuals and businesses in the Fort Dodge area to carry out our mission and service to our community.
Season memberships and single ticket sales provide only 60% of the funds needed for the operation of the Symphony, with the remaining funds obtained through tax-deductible contributions. These contributions also help keep ticket prices affordable so our concerts are accessible to all who wish to attend.
Season Memberships & Sponsorships
Season memberships help our Symphony in the following ways:
They offer a savings compared to the cost of four single admission tickets purchased at the door.
They serve as a guide to the Board of Directors for funding the Symphony’s current season.
They help determine plans for the future season.
All season membership holders become members of the Symphony Association.
If you enjoy the concerts we present, we invite you to consider making an investment in our Orchestra at one of our sponsorship levels of support.
Season Membership
Family $80.00, includes 2 individual season passes
Adult $40.00, includes 1 individual season pass
Students & children (with an adult) are always welcomed free of charge at Symphony performances.
Sponsorship Levels
Visionary $1,000 and up, includes 4 individual season passes and 4 individual concert tickets to share
Investor $500 – $999, includes 2 individual season passes and 4 adult individual concert tickets to share
Donor $150 – $499, includes 2 individual season passes and 1 individual concert ticket to share
Students & children (with an adult) are always welcomed free of charge at Symphony performances.
We also welcome individual sponsors for concerts and soloists.
For more information about sponsorships, please contact Paul Hochmuth, Business Manager, at